Thursday, July 14, 2011

Praise Him!!


    Well, it seems the street ministry has been really expanding and God is doing some amazing things. For one, we are starting to see small crowds gather. It is always good to have a rapt audience as the Gospel is preached. Shawn Holes is still going out regurlarly and my brothers and I join him when we can. I hope to start making some videos as they can be effective in training others. We still need many more who are willing to join us and I am sure that will always be the case. Our Lord said the harvest is plenty and the workers are indeed few.

    I think I will not keep so much of an update on the street ministry anymore, as I would like to write more on theology and comparitive life analogies. It is difficult for me just to sit down and write these days due to time constraints and responsibilities and I would like to devote any precious time I have to expounding on God's Word. Jolene is seven months along now, and we are both very excited for the arrival of little Jonah Alexander. He is very healthy and strong and we thank God every day for His protection and faithfulness. Between our friends and family, I believe Jolene has about five different baby showers being thrown for her so that is a great praise to the King of Kings. We definitely need help in preparing for our first child.

   My place of employment seems to be struggling financially, and I have been out of work off and on during these last two months. Nevertheless, God has brought me a good side job and we have been taken care of. Jolene continues to work as a massage therapist and God has given her an uncanny strength and resilience to remain steadfast while carrying the child. We firmly believe that it is healthy and quite good to remain active during the pregnancy. I am currently looking at employment on the Alaskan Pipeline and this would mean financial security as well as ministerial opportunity. The security comes not just from high pay, but from job stability in the area of energy. The freedom in ministry comes from having two weeks off at a time, where I would return to Idaho and preach or be able to visit friends in overseas mission fields.
   Another great praise report is that I took Shawn's spot preaching at the Gospel Mission last month and it was wonderful. What a grand time to exhort the men there to look at Christ. We did this through worship and a message God gave me entitled simply, God Saves Siners. I drew the message from Romans 3:10-27. Now, Shawn has asked me to step in once again this month and I am very excited. This time, I will not so much preach a message but deliver them my testimony, ending with the call of the Gospel. I hope to have my friends Lee and Brian there with horn and guitar, as well as my beautiful wife singing. In this way, we can provide the homeless with some authentic worship time, and then I will give my testimony in around thirty minutes. We have an hour to glorify God in the mission and I am excited to make every minute count.   

   Praise God for His everlasting guidance and provision!