So I have a question for you. Do you burn for the lost? I mean, is the cry of the unsaved heavy on your heart?
Charles Spurgeon said this, and I quote,
"Every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor."
It seems today that the thought of evangelizing the world repulses many folks, whether it be street preaching or just witnessing at work. If they have any unction for it all, it is only an invite to church or maybe just a resolve to let others "see" the gospel in their lives rather than speak any words to them. Well, as far as the invite, if the sinner is offended by so-called "institutions of religion" what should a person do? Can the reluctant witness for Christ defend their faith? Do they know how? As far as "living the life" instead of speaking it, I would say this: A picture is worth a thousand words yes, but it took words for you to know that.
God has ordained that it should be by the foolishness of preaching and the hearing of the Word that folks are brought to Christ. You may not be called to preach on the street corner, but you had better love the street preacher and his calling. I have a burning for the lost, but I have a greater burning for the glory of God. If you are a Christian, you should too. Making a continued, concerted effort to give reason for the faith that is in you and stand up for what is right by speaking the gospel truth will in effect bring God's glory to bear upon those around you. The law will close their mouths and they will be convicted. If the Spirit gives way, what excitement to give the the good news of a savior that actually saves. Again, my brother in Christ,
C.H. Spurgeon,
"I would sooner bring one sinner to Jesus Christ than unravel all the mysteries of the divine Word, for salvation is the one thing we are to live for."
This is the first of a series of updates I will provide from time to time on our street evangelism ministry. Hopefully, my fellow brothers who participate will have a desire to write short accounts on here as well. I have been hitting the streets with the gospel for about 6 years now. My fellow evangelists, Michael and TJ have considerable experience and I will let them tell you about it, God willing. We are excited to begin this ministry at our fledgling church The Well, pastored by Matt Marino.
Last Monday night we arrived at the BSU campus at approximately 6:30pm. We were four strong and walked all across campus speaking with those who were willing. We had some great tracts including the trillion dollar bills that have a gospel message on the back. These tracts look like real money and are excellent conversation starters. Shawn Holes, a humble street preacher who recently moved his home base to Boise, Idaho(Praise God!), provided me with around 2000 white, post card-sized tracts that have big black lettering which ask, "Is Good Enough Good Enough For God?". These have been great. I also have tracts in vivid color of the earth in relation to the sun and another of the Titanic sinking. These both have gospel messages on the back. We are working on writing our own as it is hard to find biblicaly sound tracts.
My first encounter was with a young lady who was very kind and soft spoken. She stopped to listen to me explain the gospel and she barely asked a question. She initially said that she sort of floated around to whatever church she felt like going to. I expected her to argue more, but she seemed genuinely interested and said that she would consider what I had said. Her name slips my mind.
As I walked up to TJ, he was speaking with a group of four young men and they were listening to him with intent. I stopped to listen as well when I noticed an older woman of around 57 walking by. I asked her how her evening was going and began to walk with her. She said fine and I gave her a tract. As we approached the library we stopped and I brought her through the "Good Person Test". This consists of asking the person if they have ever lied, stolen, committed adultery of the heart, blasphemy, etc. She had admitted to all these, but when I began to speak of a holy God she wanted none of it. She said the God she served would forgive her. As I began to speak of a necessary payment for sin she became very angry and stormed inside the building. I don't know if she knows this or not, but Islam believes that Allah will simply forgive when you ask him. This is not the God of the Bible. Her name was Linda.
Next I had an opportunity to speak with James, a professing Christian. He even said he knew TJ and spent time at the BSC. As we walked I simply asked him to give me the gospel. In fact, I described a mock scenario of lying on the ground dying from a stab wound. I told him I only had two minutes and all I wanted was to know how to be saved. He couldn't do it. We talked for some time and I witnessed to him and encouraged him to look at the sovereignty of God.
As I made my way back to my friends, TJ became engaged with a relativist who really wnatednothing to do with a conversation about God. A girl was with him and before long TJ had them taking away with him and the gospel was being expounded. As I listened a young woman with walked by and I turned top hand her a tract. She was very open to speak about God and said that she had been raised a Catholic but didn't really go anymore. I delivered the gospel to her and she listened very closely asking pertinent questions. We spoke for awhile and I labored hard on the sovereignty of God, the Atonement of Christ, and salvation by grace alone, through faith alone. She began to ask me about my church and said she would check out the website. I told her we had many wonderful women being used by God who would love to talk with her more about these things. She said she would consider attending. Praise God! Her name was Patty.
Another very young man named Josh was quite struck by the gospel and was obviously convicted as we walked. He had been exposed only briefly to the Catholic church and could not even tell me one of the Ten Commandments. He said he was being effected by my words and thought he should get to church. I then encouraged him to stay away from any church that is saying they are the only church and have the only authority in scripture. I expounded on the Atonement and he was visibly moved.
As TJ and I made our way back, we ended up speaking with an injured guy who professed Christ but had no idea what the gospel was and did not even want to talk about it. We prayed for him and left. He never gave us his name. Before we got off campus we ran into a guy named David. He was very sketchy and kept looking around. He had just moved here from California and was going to school for Material Sciences. We talked for some time with him, and he seemed out of touch with reality but listened and responded well enough. We prayed for him and for his parents per his request as we walked away (he said he wasn't ready for us to pray with him together.
Please pray for Linda, James, Patty, Josh, and David. Pray that the Lord would bring them to their knees in conviction and raise them up to glory. Pray that their eyes would be opened if indeed it be the Lord's will for them.
Michael, Roger, TJ and I ended the night discussing our encounters and praying together. There is something about being out there proclaiming God's Word that is hard to describe. You really have to experience it for yourselves. Christ commanded us to proclaim the gospel from the housetops. I will let Spurgeon take it away....
"If there be any one point in which the Christian church ought to keep its fervor at a white heat, it is concerning missions. If there be anything about which we cannot tolerate lukewarmness,
it is the matter of sending the gospel to a dying world."
Roger and I were able to share the Gospel with a few people on Monday. First Roger approached 3 young men on campus and asked for a few moments of their time. One claimed Christianity, one was an Atheist and the other didn't claim any religious affiliation. Roger engaged them in conversation and then threw me on the spot to share with them the Gospel in a minute before they headed off. I think I took about 3 minutes to share the gospel. The gentlemen listened. I pray that God will open their minds.
ReplyDeleteI then saw Grace, a girl I had previously tried to witness to with a couple of her friends the week before. She was walking with another gentleman. I engaged them in conversation and found that Dan was a non-practicing Mormon. I tried walking him through the law, but he was hard to pin down. Then I spoke about the Holiness of God and how He calls us to be Holy because He is Holy. I explained the horror of our sin against the Infinite God, and that our sin demanded that justice be met. This Justice pins us all in the corner. I talked about the reasonableness of hell and that Christ is the propitiation for sin.
Dan said he was still trying to figure out who Jesus was and then Roger explained that who Jesus is is not up for debate. We left him with this final word. John 8:24 "If you do not believe that I am, you will die in your sin."
Roger then approached a non-practicing Catholic who admitted that he would spend a long time in Purgatory when he died. Roger shared the Gospel with him and I added a few illustrations. We left him with this word. What he thought was Purgatory is actually hell. Purgatory is a man made doctrine. No amount of Purgatory will purge the sins of man. Christ alone purges sin.
Lastly I handed a tract to a woman who stopped and talked. The first thing she said was that I couldn't convince her that God exists because she didn't even believe in matter. To state it shortly, our conversation did not go anywhere. I am glad it was not my job to convince her. Hopefully God will do a work in her heart.
Please pray that God's will be done in the lives of those who receive tracts and listen to the Gospel. Pray that He be glorified.