Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gospel Call Update #5

Ok, so I turned the camera.......please forgive me.
Other than that I thought this was a good snippet of what it's like to open-air preach on the streets of Boise.

Now, whether you are called to witness and proclaim the gospel on the streets or not, you are most definitely called to love the one doing it.

I am extremely elated in the Glory of God  having just returned from the streets with Shawn the Baptist! The above video is from just one hour ago as we tested out the BoDo's(Boise Downtown) area for Gospel preaching. Today we spoke with police in a meeting at the precinct and received clear instructions on what is lawful and what is not. We have amazing support from the local force who are largely Christian or liberty minded. They need our prayers. We ran into folks from Calvary chapel who were also evangelizing, and Marlin and Justin along with Calvary youth were quite a blessing. As we made our way through the nasty weather to an almost empty BoDos we were asked for a Bible from someone who had gotten a tract earlier. Once there, as I was preaching, a friend from a few years ago named Katie came up and actually asked me if she could use my phone.  I spoke with her on campus while we were preaching last Wednesday, and I believe God is speaking to her about some things and am praying that He would do a mighty work in her life. I can tell you that as my wife and I prepare for a wonderful morning of worship with The Well tomorrow, I cannot thank the Lord enough for His sovereignty in my life and what He is doing in my heart and and all around me. Praise Him!

God is doing amazing things in Boise and if we see a revival it will come from the street level as it always has at every point in history when it has been authentic. What Joy of Joys to be in the employ of Christ our King and be His mouthpiece!! Won't you pray for us? Pray that God would give us clear messages and clean hearts. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send more workers to assist us in the work of the Kingdom. The Great commission is not, "Go into the four walls of your church and proclaim the Gospel to the few poor creatures who come inside."  The Great Commission is "Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel!"

Oh friends, you must ask yourself if you are being a witness for Christ! Are you not just walking the talk, but


The Word goes forth by it's proclamation and while we may not all be called to be preachers, we as Christians ARE all called to be theologians. Christ would have us know all things He taught.
15 Practice these things, immerse yourself in them,  so that all may see your progress. 16 Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers. I Timothy 4:15-16

Let us come together and exhort one another to speak of the most profound truths we will ever know, those precious doctrines of God and His free Grace.

The more you desire these things the better you will become at presenting the gospel to anyone at anytime.
Study, Watch, Learn. then Go, Stand, Speak
Christian witness must always be forged anew in the fire of the question of truth. Otherwise it can in no case and at no time be a witness that is substantial and responsible, and consequently trustworthy and forceful.

Please, bow before your Lord and pray that He will give you a heart for the lost. We must be vigilant in these last days as the world crumbles down around us. Be like the preacher aboard the Titanic who ran to and fro preaching Christ till his dying breath. Be ready at all times to speak of your faith.

15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil. I Peter 3:15-17


  1. Amen Brother will be praying for you brothers! And please do the same for me!

  2. You bet Carl. You should come to Boise!

  3. hey brother you don't by chance have facebook or email?

    if so add me on fb @ www.facebook.com/inhalejesus
