Thursday, June 9, 2011

Gospel Call Update #11

              As always, we were excited to get out on the streets and publicly proclaim the name of Christ.

              This time, we were not only blessed to have Shawn Holes, a.k.a. Shawn the Baptist, with us, but we had Matt Slick with CARM(Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry) there as well, with his friend Brandon doing the filming.

     The event was something our city does every Wednesday at city center called Alive after Five.  Hundreds of people turn out to peruse vendor wares, drink from the beer garden, and listen to live shows of all kinds.

     Some may think it odd, but we set up next to the porta-potties for two reasons; it is just too loud in the center of the crowd and the toilet is where many people make quite a line where they wait and are forced to stand and listen to the preaching of God's Word.

     A great deal of folks were overtly hostile to the Gospel, however we experienced the blessing of seeing more than one person respond well, with at least three people taking and giving their information for further contact. Praise God!!!!

   Please remember the names of these people in your prayers. We would implore you to ask God to get ahold of their hearts and revive them unto life everlasting:
     Laura and Chad are a young girlfriend and boyfriend who are from California and are taking a hard look at their faith. They are very interested in attending the Well, my home church.
     Also pray for Jacqueline, (pronounced Jock-Leen).
She came right up to me after I finished preaching and said she wants to know more. She said her parents had converted to Christianity in recent years and she is ever more curious. Hopefully she will be joining us at our Bible study. She expressed a desire to have discussions in a non-confrontive environment. She thanked us for preaching.

              The public proclamation of the Gospel, quite simply, IS the very definition of preaching.

                  You may not be called to go profess Christ on the street corner, but if you are a Christian, 
                                                  you are called to love the street preacher.
        As long as the man who is preaching holds to the infallible, inerrant Word of God and tells the full Gospel, there is nothing wrong about it. In fact, it is the most loving thing one could ever do for the perishing.
                                      God will insure His Word
                                does what He has meant it to accomplish.

            Our confidence is not in our voice, charm, or Bible knowledge, but it is wholly founded in the sovereign grace of our Lord and King, Jesus of Nazareth.

    Enjoy this video that CARM put together and please remember to lift us up in prayer as we take the Gospel to the streets.  Bless God


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