Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gospel Call Update #9

Well, we made it out the other night. Good times.
Glad to see my brother in Christ Zach out for the first time to do street evangelism! He told me that he is definitely hooked.  Awesome.
Despite the brisk night atmosphere, in all, Josh, Zach, Michael, Jesse, and myself stepped out onto the BSU campus to share the Good News with everyone we could find.

We had a large number of fascinating conversations that were heated and mellow alike. They involved such things as Mormonism, Atheism, and Pantheism. We had encouragement from a young lady that said the campus needs more open-air preaching! Praise God! Another young girl was from the Drive church and she was not comfortable with open-air preaching, however we spoke with her for some time and she was very willing to listen and seemed genuinely teachable. There were many other great witnessing experiences with the students.  If you go to The Well, please ask one of the gentlemen mentioned above about their experiences in witnessing to the lost. I know they would be more than happy to tell you about it.

  One student we spoke with who's name was Tre(short for Robert somebody the 3rd) said he was part of a fraternity and they had a Christian statement of faith.  Michael was speaking with him for some time before I walked up. This particular individual had absolutely zero Bible learning, yet I have rarely met a more inquisitive guy on the street. The questions he asked were those such as "Can God make a rock that He cannot lift?" or "Why didn't the Apostles just go get Christ down off the cross?" 
We took those opportunities to declare God's sovereign free grace, and I want to give a thanks out to Matt Marino my pastor for the brilliant shepherding God is doing through him so that many of us are more than equipped to field questions with powerful and penetrating answers.
Tre listened quite intently and he asked question after question. As I stepped away, Michael talked with him still longer and ended up getting contact information into Tre's hands as well as a promise from the guy to check out Sunday service.
We will see. Pray for Tre.

   Shawn was there and he preached for awhile until a Mormon guy came up and started asking him questions. at that point Shawn just engaged him and they debated for some time while the rest of us were having
                 Gospel-centered conversations.

                                       One fellow I got hold of was trying to leave but took the time to tell me that he had a belief, it just wasn't the same as mine and that was OK. He said that he believed in a higher power, but not the God of the Bible. Again, he was trying so hard to leave, so I held him to the grindstone and tried to get him to give me his source of truth. In the end he just said himself. I told him that was frightening and exhorted him to believe in Christ. He said he did not believe Christ is God, so I informed him that Christ would be denying him before the Father if he continued in his unbelief. His friend walked up and they left while mocking me.

Praise Christ for His Word and promises are eternal and no man or demon can ever snuff out what He has done!!!

Please remember to pray for this ministry and pray for those who would hear the Word of God.

As we began to leave the campus several things became apparent to us.  This city is ripe for the picking, God is doing something amazing amongst the brethren at The Well, it is indescribable joy to participate in the Great Commision, and ......summer is coming.

1 comment:

  1. Luke 10:2
    And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
    Im thank the Lord for your boldness, and pray for more grace in your ministry.
