Monday, March 15, 2010

less of me, More of Christ

This blog is intended to be one that projects the reality of God Almighty onto all things. I have desired to start a blog for so long and have only now begun this exciting endeavor. My first couple of entries are of a personal nature and rightly so as I want this to be a place of growth and revelation for all who visit as well as a sound exposition of the truths God has revealed to us.
The amazing thing is this- God has revealed the how, what, when, why, where, and who of His sovereign free grace. This is perhaps most excellently spelled out in the precious work by the reformer John Owen entitled "The Death of Death in the Death of Christ". I highly recommend it. The frustrating thing is this- The majority of evangelicals today (consequently almost the entire body of youth) confuse the "finding out about oneself" with the reality of God! That is they will tirelessly argue that life is all mystery and God is love. All the while ignoring the clear edicts by a Holy God. They needle the point that scripture can mean something different to different people. All the while missing the fact that it is due to the change in people not in Holy Writ. This is largely due to the influence on the church by the philosophy known as Post-Modernism; a most hideous world-view to be sure. The exposure of that very wrong and demonic view of reality I will address later. Today, I just want to pose the question, "Why are we so wrapped up in self?" We love to study the self. A huge problem in schools today is the high self-esteem. They are in love with themselves and they are severely lacking in the area of learning because of it. The Bible takes for granted that we have high self-esteem,Eph. 5:29-30. "No man ever hated his own flesh.." What we need is to study the reality of God.
Many miss this fact because they view truth through the subjective lenses of personal experience instead of the objective revelation of scripture.
The only thing that stands alone is God. So I look to other men who have provided lenses into scripture. I love to read. I enjoy many great authors who have provided vast insights into the Holy Word of God. However, we must be so very careful to discern the wolves from the sheep. Due to the obsession with self many have become very deceived by the likes of Rob Bell, Dallas Wilard, Todd Hunter, Brian McLaren, Rick Warren, and the author of The Shack, Mr. Young. The majority of my favorite authors are dead men. Heroes of the faith like St. Augustine of Hippo, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Abraham Kuyper, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, Jon Huss, John Knox, Andrew Murray, and my favorite, C.H. Spurgeon. Men who have given their entire lives for the furthering of the gospel; most even to the expense of rejection by their own congregations. One thing that is for sure, dead men have no chance of deviating from the gospel. They are dead. We have their sound record of faithfulness to scripture. So many today seem so blinded to the snakes and doctrines of demons which are in their churches and on their shelves. People will only listen to the truth if God is working in their hearts. If He chooses not to, they will revert to their default ringer. Sin. We hate God. Until He gives us a desire to love Him we will continuously devour the sinful cup. We will always love studies with regards to ourselves. We will forever reject studies that reveal the all-encompassing sovereignty of God. Forever that is, until He gets inside you and fires you up to know Him instead of yourself!!! Please pray for holy fire to consume you.
I will leave you with this. Do yourself a favor and look up the five solas. They are a creed of sorts describing the exclusiveness of Christianity. Most Christians have never heard them, however they define what it is that a Christian must be concerned with. If you are a Christian I promise you a surprise when you study them. If you are not then an even bigger surprise awaits. GOD IS ACTUALLY GOD!


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