Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Call to Arms

Well, the free grace of God truly is amazing. He allows our unsound will to do and write things so vile and offensive to His Sovereignty that I am amazed at the men still walking around taking breaths of fresh air. I mean with so much garbage being blogged out there by so-called Christians it is convicting if I do nothing.
God's plans are in the works we can be sure.
He is going to return one day very soon, of that there is no doubt. However, everything must come to pass before He does. We will most likely see the fall of this once great nation. Did you know that not one scholar has ever been able to identify America in the final days of Armageddon? Interesting.
Now, I have provided a link to a very important piece of news you will not see on CNN. Almost as important as the current push for the establishment of the North American Union. Please watch it. Knowledge is power.(until I get this blogging thing down you will have to bear with me. I cannot post the video. Just go to youtube and enter Lord Monkton for a fascinating speech about the reality of global dominance.)
Soon the internet will be illegal make no mistake about it.
There is too much truth getting into the hands of people like me. People who care about the Constitution. People who care about Second Amendment rights. People who are on the guest list for the Fema camps. Soon, they will no longer afford people to get smart. Because they know as well as I do that they will see a revolution before this is over, probably in the form of a tax revolt, and they will try to eliminate as many of our numbers as they can before it even starts. Now, my thing is the Truth of Christ. His Sword. Bring it. Forget your post-modern thought system! Truth is absolute. I will engage the culture with the gospel of Christ. That is where the battle must take place so that all other areas will fall into proper view. I do not want to run off to the country and start a new Christian nation. I will be prepared for what is coming. I will have right thinking about my surroundings. I will first and foremost proclaim the full gospel. Everything is a theological issue before it is anything else. If we are deceived about the gospel then we will be wrong about our world.
In order to have a revolution the Gospel must go forth. And I'm not talking about "Jesus loves you and He has a wonderful plan for your life" either. I am certainly not talking about pathetic, embarassing attempts at evangelical "green awareness" either. What I am talking about is the full unadulterated GOSPEL OF CHRIST. Just preach it. Let God do the rest. We do not have to couch the Gospel in nice terms, in fact that creates false converts.
Well, the video is Lord Monkton exposing the treaty at Copenhagen and he is a climate expert. So watch it and respond to this post.
I think it appropriate to expound on false teachers as well. It goes nicely with this because it is the reason that the church is so complacent and stuck on inconsequential movements like the environment. We are not going to "usher in" the Kingdom of God, you do know that right? If you disagree then you have spent too much time at the emergents' camp.
We must fight! Raise up a spiritual army of God-fearing men who know what sound doctrine is!!!!!!! Fight like dogs in the spiritual realm and bring a gentle revolution in the physical.
You are fooling yourself if you think that it isn't really going to all burn up! And you are also fooling yourself if you think you will be raptured before most of Revelation takes place. At any rate at least be aware that wolves in sheeps clothing are staring you directly in your face. Shoot the wolf!!!!!!!!
Corinth. 5:12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. Purge the evil person from among you.
Here is a list. Now get to purging Christian!!!!!! Ed Smith, T.D Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, The Pope, Todd Bently, "Prophetess" Bynum, Paul and Jan Crouch, Brian Mclaren, Rick Warren, Robert Schueller, Joel Osteen, Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Duplantis, Harold Camping, Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee, Ken Hagin Jr., Fred Price, Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts, John Spong, Robert Tilton, Rob Bell, Paula White, Dutch Sheets, John Crowder, Brennan Manning, Doug Pagitt, N.T. Wright, and Todd Hunter.
Jude 16 These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud -mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage.
These are all I could think of right now, but the list goes on and on and Christians happily slop up the putrifaction that these heretics are feeding them. The blame rests soely on the fact that actual doctrine and right theology have not had the mainstage in church for the last 100 years. But that's why I'm giving this call. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!
I Tim 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.
Matt 24:4 And Jesus answered them, "See that no one leads you astray."
So throw away your anti-gospel self help books like "The Pupose Driven Life" and "Your Best Life Now, and "Battlefield of the Mind" and pick up some John Piper instead. Have a fire out back and burn your mystical teachings like "The Shack", and "Ragamuffin Gospel", and "Velvet Elvis" and anything about theophostics and go get some C.H. Spurgeon or R.C. Sproul.
You'll be glad you did. Have a nice day.
A Wretch in His Grace,
Jude 3 Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints

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